What is the structure of the US Court system?

Best Attorneys Folsom California

What is the structure of the US Court system?

Best Attorneys Folsom CaliforniaThe United States Court system is complex and confusing to many who do not have a formal legal background. Every state has its own court system, and this is in addition to the federal court system. Courtroom litigation procedures follow a long list of rules that must be followed.

At Yee Law Group, we are proud to have some of the best attorneys in Folsom California. If you anticipate being involved in civil litigation, we may be able to help you. Our attorneys handle a wide variety of civil cases, including trust and estate litigation issues. Call us for a free consultation during which we can determine if one of our attorneys might handle your case.

Understanding the US Court System

The following is a general overview of the US Court structure. If you hire one of the best attorneys in Folsom California that you can find, they can provide you with more information specific to your case.

Special Jurisdiction Courts

These make up the bulk of US courts and will hear very specific types of civil and criminal cases. When you work with the best attorneys in Folsom California, they will tell you which court will hear your particular case. State court systems may have the following:

  • Probate Court – Handles estate law matters, probate, wills, and trusts
  • Family Court – Oversees divorce and legal separation, child custody, guardianship, adoption, etc.
  • Municipal Court – Deals with traffic violations, small claims, and preliminary proceedings in felony cases.
  • Other state speciality courts may include Dependency Court, Small Claims Court, Rural Court, Tribal Court, and more.

The federal system has several types of courts including:

  • Admirality Court – Handles admiralty and maritime cases.
  • Bankruptcy Court – Deals with bankruptcy proceedings.
  • Tax Court – Oversees deficiencies or overpayment in income, gift taxes, and estate taxes.

Most of these speciality courts have simplified rules or procedures that are intended to speed up the legal process. The terminology and rules of each court may vary by state. If you are looking for the best attorneys in Folsom California, call us at Yee Law Group. An attorney from our firm will walk you through the entire process as your case progresses.

Trial Court

Two types of trial court exists: civil and criminal. The procedures for each are different, but the structure is largely the same. Both sides of a court case will have ample time to discover evidence and facts to build a defense. At the trial, both parties will present their findings to a judge or jury. It’s important to hire the best attorneys in Folsom California to protect your rights in court.

Appellate Court

If it is believed that the judge presiding over a case made a mistake during the trial or in the law, an appeal can be made to the appellate court. This particular court does not re-hear an entire case; it focuses on whether or not a mistake was made in a previous case. An appellate court might also handle appeals from specialty courts.

Supreme Court

The supreme court is the highest court in the state when it comes to jurisdiction. If the appellate court makes a mistake or a party believes the ruling of their case was unfair, they may be able to take their case to the supreme court. If a state’s supreme court rules on a case, they have the final say on the matter. The exception to this would be when there is a federal matter. In this scenario, a party may appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. When you hire the best attorneys in Folsom California, they can give you an indication of whether or not your case might be accepted by the state’s supreme court on appeal.

Final Considerations

  • State and federal courts rule on different types of cases.
  • Federal courts only handle cases involving a federal matter or when there are parties in different states or countries.
  • States can decide on certain federal issues.
  • States handle all other areas of the law.

If you have questions or concerns about your legal concern, or would like to speak with one of the best attorneys in Folsom California to find out how we can help you, call Yee Law Group and request a free consultation.