Top Questions To Ask Yourself When Considering A Chiropractic Billing Software

Yee Law Group Inc. > Top Questions To Ask Yourself When Considering A Chiropractic Billing Software

If you are looking to find a chiropractic billing service, there are some things that you should know. Not everyone is going to need a service, and it is going to greatly depend on your needs and wants. Reimbursement laws in the chiropractic industry are constantly undergoing changes that demand the constant vigilance of the financial health amongst chiropractic practices.

Outsourcing the billing task to professionals can help streamline your process. When you hire a chiropractic billing service company, your staff can actually focus on what matters most to them: patient care. Choosing a chiropractic billing company is crucial as your billing company will help you increase collection rates and reduce overall rejection or denial rates.

Just what do you need to ask yourself before you commit? Below are the top questions to ask before you hire a company.


  • Are they good at what they do? 

One thing you should know before making a decision on a chiropractic billing service is their track record. What do they claim to achieve for you? A metric to keep in mind is what is the percentage of claims that pass the first time they are submitted. If they have a high percentage, this means there will be minimal denials and follow-ups which indicates a well-run and knowledgeable staff. You should also pay attention to how soon EOBs are posted after they are scanned into the staff. If the time is over 24 hours, that is too long and won’t be effective for your practice.


  • Do they know your field? 

Many billing services cover all medical fields which include general physicians, chiropractors, and chiropractic professionals. When you choose a billing staff that is focused on multiple disciplines, it can cause their work to be hindered. When the company focuses only on one area of the medical field, they are ready to take any task that comes their way because it is the sole form of billing that they do.


  • Can you trust them? 

Just like any relationship you need to know what you’re getting into. There are many companies that you never know quite what you’re getting into, and you may not get the full picture. You should find yourself a company that is open and honest about the services they provide and what they can do for you. If you are left with more questions than answers it is important that you find a different billing company to work with. If you can’t trust your billing company they aren’t the right company for you.