Make Estate Planning Your New Year’s Resolution

Yee Law Group Inc. > Make Estate Planning Your New Year’s Resolution

As 2020 comes to a close, you are faced with the beginning of another year. In this case, the dawning of a new decade. Many people make New Year’s resolutions that involve getting organized, improving their financial health, or finally doing something they’ve put off for far too long. Why not combine all three and make planning your estate your 2021 New Year’s resolution?


Estate planning can be a satisfying and comforting process

Granted, planning for the end is not on everyone’s mind as the new decade begins. Furthermore, estate planning attorneys understand that planning for a time when you can no longer be with your loved ones can seem incredibly unsettling and intimidating to take on. After all, it involves discussing topics that can be uncomfortable, overwhelming, and sensitive. 


However, with the help of a knowledgeable and experienced estate planning attorney, the process of planning your estate can be much less of a hurdle. Indeed, it can be a thoughtful and comforting process that gives you satisfaction and peace of mind. Estate planning attorneys take pride in making intricate and challenging estate planning arrangements like wills, trusts, and estates approachable. With the right estate planning lawyer, you can design an estate plan that puts your affairs in order and meets all of your needs.


Start planning for the future now

Estate planning is the process of creating a plan detailing how your property and assets will be managed during your lifetime, naming who will carry out your wishes once you have passed on, and determining who will inherit your estate. Every adult needs an estate plan regardless of the number of assets and the dollar value of their estate.


All states have a legal system in place to handle your estate if you pass away without your affairs in order. Should you become disabled without an estate plan in place, you leave it up to the state to determine who will inherit your property and valuables. It is essential to start planning your future now so that the state and unintended beneficiaries cannot decide the fate of your life’s work. 


As the New Year begins, you should prioritize planning your estate 

Like many others, you may have put off planning your estate. After all, you would like to think that there is plenty of time down the road to get to it, right? Or, perhaps you believe that your family knows what your wants and wishes are and will put them in place after you pass. Regrettably, both of these lines of thinking can result in dire consequences. 


Without a pre-established estate plan, your loved ones could be left without enough assets to support them once you are gone. Without a plan, your estate is at the mercy of the state’s probate process. Probate rarely provides advantages for your beneficiaries, and it always costs them time and money. Taking the initiative to manage the estate planning process can save your loved ones inconvenience and stress down the road.


Step into the New Year with confidence

An estate planning attorney can help determine what options are right for you to help secure everything you’ve worked for and accomplished. To begin your estate planning today, contact an estate planning attorney to set up your free estate plan evaluation. Then, check that New Year’s resolution off the list!